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Tristyn Loehden


Tristyn Loehden has been CrossFitting for six years and specializes in deadlifts, double-unders and burpees.

Tristyn wasn’t an athlete before discovering CrossFit, but the first time she did the 12 Days of Christmas WOD, she was hooked. "I just couldn't stay out of the gym," she says. "A little birdy (Soupha) gave me the idea about a year ago to start training others, and I have enjoyed every moment of it! Every day I learn something new along with the athletes I train."

She’s passionate about helping her athletes create healthy lifestyles, and her favorite part of coaching is seeing how excited people get when they PR a WOD or a lift that she’s helping them with.

Her favorite quote is:

 "A simple smile goes a long way."


  • CrossFit Level 1

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